Have you ever wondered how your monthly service fees make a difference in your community?
We are constantly working on improvements to the district. Check this page regularly for updates!
Highlights from 2022
Upgraded Lift station
We upgraded sewer lift station # 12 on Stoner Creek Rd. This entailed installing two, brand new, larger pumps along with an upgraded control panel. This was an important upgrade to the system, not only does this lift station take all the sewer from the Y-WAM campus, but the new development on Crystal View Court as well.
pumps and motors for wells
Both, the Hall and Brass well pumps and motors were replaced after an electrical surge from a storm that passed through the area destroyed them. The Hall and Brass are integral to the Lakeside water system.
repair water leaks
Thank you to our professional contractors for keeping our system running. We all appreciate you!
In 2022 the District added 30 new water & sewer customers as well as 10 new sewer only customers. New customers pay Plant Investment Fees (PIFs). PIF’s help pay for expansion costs as well as maintenance and repair costs to the District. PIF’s are a vital part of our Districts sustainability, in addition to base rates.
The District applied for and received ARPA (America Rescue Plan Act) grant funding in the amount of $3,000,000 to help with a much-needed upgrades to our sewer treatment facility. The project is being engineered for construction beginning in late summer of 2024. Check back for exciting updates.
The District is constantly looking at new processes to ensure that our District is acting in the best interest of, not only our rate payers, but the environment as a whole.